Rapid Risk Assessments: Identifying and Prioritizing Risks in Minutes Instead of Months

Diving Deep into Rapid Risk Assessments - RiskLens Sponsored Webinar

Many information security teams are running risk assessments that are qualitative in nature and do not provide results in terms business leaders and decision makers can understand. Boards, senior management, auditors and CISOs demand quick readouts and better understanding of their cyber security risk exposure: “What are our top risks for bottom-line impact?”

As a member of the FAIR Institute, you know that the FAIR model is the standard for quantifying risk in financial terms to help your organization make better informed business decisions. The risk assessment process does not have to be cumbersome, but can be. Some analyses, particularly for your most important and largest risk scenarios, can take weeks to define, interview subject matter experts, collect and synthesize data, and summarize reports. The vast majority of risk scenarios however do not require that level of effort, and it is critical to be able to do quick and agile analysis to keep up with the pace of your business needs and ahead of your threat landscape.

Enter the RiskLens Rapid Risk Assessment, the new solution created specifically to address this challenge. 

Using the RiskLens SaaS platform, built on FAIR™, organizations can run risk analyses in minutes (instead of weeks) that present loss exposure in dollar values and produce flexible, customizable reporting that clearly prioritizes risks by probable impact.

Join us Wednesday, August 26 for the webinarRapid Risk Assessments: Identifying and Prioritizing Risks Quickly”, sponsored by our Technical Advisor and institute sponsor, RiskLens to learn more about this new solution and how it can help get your organization begin its FAIR journey!

When: Wednesday, August 26 at 2 PM EST
Where: GoToWebinar

Please contact Luke Bader, Director of Membership and Programs at the FAIR Institute to assist with any questions or issues at and +1-(484)-885-4144.


Teresa Suarez
Risk Consultant