FAIRCON22 Welcome Address
Video with Slides | FAIRCON
Now without further ado, it’s time to get FAIRCON22 kicked off! It is my pleasure to introduce Nick Sanna, FAIR Institute Founder and President.
Nick founded the FAIR Institute in 2016 as an expert non-profit organization due to a growing demand from an expanding FAIR community. The idea was to create a forum for learning about FAIR, for developing and sharing innovative best practices, and to serve as a platform and for networking with peers. He was supported in this effort by the author of FAIR – Jack Jones, the Institute's Chairman - and industry representatives from companies such as Fannie Mae, Cisco, Bank of America, and Northern Trust. Outside of his volunteer work at the FAIR Institute, Nick is the CEO of RiskLens, a software company that has developed an enterprise platform based on FAIR and that acts as the Institute's Technical Advisor. Please welcome Nick Sanna!