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The Future of Cybersecurity Risk Measurement at RSAC22 - Slide Deck


Text from Seminar Introduction

Slide deck PDF available for download below.

Hello and good morning. Welcome to our seminar today from the FAIR Institute where we will be diving into the Future of Cybersecurity Risk Measurement.

My name is Luke Bader, and I am the Director of Membership and Programs at the FAIR Institute. Our community is comprised of over 13,000 members worldwide from many of the top Fortune companies and numerous governmental departments. We are an expert, non-profit organization led by information risk officers, CISOs and business executives with the mission of developing the best practices for risk management and measurement through quantification.

Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) is the practical framework we promote for understanding, measuring, and analyzing information risk, and ultimately, for enabling well-informed decision making.

As a member of the Institute, you are empowered to learn about the industry's best practices; collaborate with other innovators to further advance the profession; and network with your peers to learn from their operational experiences.

Today we have an excellent 4-hour session for you on the current state of quantification, and what more is going to be possible very soon. We encourage you to join us for the whole session until 12:30 PM today. These seminars are not being recorded so this is the one opportunity at RSA Conference to hear from us.

We will start the day with the author of the FAIR model and Chairman of the FAIR Institute, Jack Jones. Jack will be kicking the seminar with an introduction to FAIR (8:30-9:15). We will then hear from some FAIR Institute members and FAIR users on how quantification is helping their organizations make better business decisions (9:15-10:30). This session will showcase how these two companies are applying the principles of FAIR that Jack will have outlines. You will have time to ask questions from the audience at the end of the sessions.

Following this session, we will have a short break (10:30-10:45) and then begin again with Jack presenting on his newest extension of the FAIR Model, the FAIR Controls Analytics Model, known as FAIR-CAM. This session will round out our seminar and will define where quantification is headed. Jack will dive deep into the what FAIR-CAM is, the benefits of it, and how we plan to implement it operationally soon (10:45 – 12:30).

Before I hand it over to Jack, I just want to introduce the FAIR Institute President, Nick Sanna. Nick and I will be here throughout the seminar this morning answering questions during the break and after the session. We can help with any questions about membership, training, educational resources, or anything else that you need.

If you enjoyed the sessions today and want to get involved and learn more, we invite you to become a member (general membership is free) and investigate attending our annual conference, FAIRCON, on September 27 & 28 in Washington DC. Full information and registration is available on our website

Without further ado, let’s start off the day with Chairman of the FAIR Institute and FAIR author, Jack Jones….

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