The View from U.S. Congress Cong. Jim Langevin, Co-Chair Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus
Video with Slides | FAIRCON
Video recording posted below.
Securing our nation’s technology infrastructure against cyber-attacks is a top priority for Rep. Langevin. As the Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of the bipartisan Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, he leads the way in raising awareness of cybersecurity issues in Congress and fostering dialogue and debate on the critical questions surrounding this topic. He co-chaired the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency, which made policy recommendations to President Obama.
I have had the pleasure representing the Institute and the members in working with Congressman Langevin’s office for over a year to support the adoption of FAIR practices throughout the public and private sectors. Congressman Langevin and his staff have been very receptive of FAIR and quantitative risk management and have helped us be present at Cyber Day on Capitol Hill earlier this month.
Congressman, this is a big moment for the FAIR community as many in the audience have recognized the challenges associated with a cyber world and have worked tirelessly to mitigate its risks and maximize its opportunities.