CISOs to Talk Cyber Risk in Healthcare, Financial Services, Retail at FAIRCON24


CISOs from the healthcare, financial services and retail industries will share success stories and challenges in cyber risk management in a series of focused roundtable discussions at the 2024 FAIR Conference, October 1-2 in Washington, DC. These nearly two-hour roundtables are exclusive for CISOs and by invite only. We will employ the Chatham House Rule for each roundtable, giving our participants the comfort of speaking openly and candidly during the meeting. 

To facilitate each roundtable, we have several CISOs from each industry serving as discussion leaders. We will also survey all discussion leaders and participants ahead of time on their preferred topics to help drive the conversation.  AI, zero trust, third-party risk management, meeting regulations on data privacy and breach disclosure – expect a full exploration of these issues and more, with an emphasis on successful risk management through application of quantitative cyber risk quantification with Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR).

70-plus CISOs, CROs and other cyber leaders will speak at FAIRCON24 – join them at the conference! Register now!


FAIRCON24 CISO Invite Only Industry Roundtables


2024 has been a year that revealed serious deficiencies in cyber risk management in this sector. For lack of a basic control, MFA, Change Healthcare was forced to pay one of the largest ransomware payments in history, $22 million, but not before health records of one-third of Americans were leaked and the US healthcare payments system severely disrupted.

In this session, we’ll discuss how FAIR practices can give healthcare CISOs much-needed direction in prioritizing their programs, with participants from Cigna, the American Hospital Association, and more thought leaders.

FAIRCON Sessions:

How Healthcare Providers are Improving Outcomes with a Risk-based Approach to Cybersecurity


Hai Ngo, CISO, NYU Langone Health

John Riggi, National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk, AHA

Proactive Cyber Risk Management Strategies to Build Resilience in the Healthcare Sector


Kevin McCartyHai Ngo, CISO, NYU Langone Health

Kevin McCarty, CISO, Cigna (image, right)

Sabastian High, Business Information Security Officer, Elevance Health Enterprise

John Napoli, Head of TRAID, Guardian Health


Financial Services

Legacy systems, reliance on third parties and ever-increasing demand for digital services mean an expanding attack surface for banks, brokerages and other FinServ companies. At the same time, regulators are tightening the screws on this sector, whether it’s the SEC cybersecurity rules, amendments to SEC regulation S-P on breach notification or the New York Department of Financial Services amendments requiring breach notification within 72 hours and independent audits of cybersecurity programs.

We’ll discuss how FAIR helps financial institutions meet standards on material risk or plan out defensible cyber controls. With industry leaders such as Mastercard and Lloyds. 

FAIRCON Session: 

Proactive Cyber Risk Management Strategies in Financial Services


Jennifer BucknerJennifer Buckner, SVP, Technology Risk, Mastercard (image, right)


Matt Rowe, CISO, Lloyds Banking Group

Mohammed Darwish Azad, CISO, Emirates NBD

Bala Rajagopalan, CISO, Tradeweb 

Ty Panagoplos, Fmr EVP & CIO, Santander


Consumer and Retail

2024 is a year of transition to version 4.0.1 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), with an emphasis on proactive, continuous risk management for basic web applications and other foundational tools of commerce in online and brick-and-mortar. We’ll talk about the new rules, as well as data protection strategies based on cyber risk quantification with participants from Carnival Cruise Line and more name brands. 

FAIRCON Session:

Confronting Top Cyber Risks in Consumer and Retail


Mark Tomallo, CISO, Victoria's Secret


Michael Jacobs, CTO, J.Crew

Devon Bryan, CIO, Carnival Cruise Line

Michael Strause, CISO, IFF 

Ben Brophy, CTO, Reckitt



2024 FAIR Conference

Join us in Washington, DC, for training sessions September 29-30 and conference sessions, October 1-2. We’re running an information-packed conference agenda, but with plenty of time built in to meet your peers, CISOs and other risk and security practitioners interested in advancing cyber and operational risk management with new techniques and fresh perspectives. 

Register for FAIRCON24 now.

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