

About the Standards Committee

The Standards Committee maintains and governs the FAIR Taxonomy and Analytics Model as well as the standard extensions and other deliverables created by the Standards Working Groups, under the guidance of the Industry Research Boards.
The Standards Committee is composed of (voting) Committee Members and of (non-voting) Committee Advisors. 

Standards Working Groups are created as hoc to research and develop new standard taxonomies and analytics models, as well as other research on risk data.

The current research agenda includes FAIR model validation and enhancements like FAIR-CAM, FAIR-MAM and AI risk modeling.

Committee Members

Jack Jones

Jack Jones

Chairman Emeritus

FAIR Institute

Mike Radigan


Cyber Risk Advisor


Michael Coden

Michael Coden

Co-founder of Cybersecurity

MIT Sloan

Robert Moore

Rob Moore

VP, Technology Risk Management


Pierre Olodo

Pierre Olodo

Senior Lead, Cyber Risk


Denny Wan

Denny Wan

Sydney Chapter Chair

FAIR Institute

Jan Reich

Jan Reich

Data Protection & Risk Mgt.


Alex Holbrook

Alex Holbrook

Principal, Cybersecurity

Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Pankaj Goyal

Pankaj Goyal

Director, Standards & Research

FAIR Institute

Todd Tucker

Todd Tucker

Committee Secretary

FAIR Institute