CRQ For All: Introducing My Cyber Risk Benchmark from RiskLens (Sponsored Post)

Every day at RiskLens, we talk to organizations of all shapes, sizes, industries and levels of maturity about our mission to make cyber risk quantification (CRQ) and Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR™) faster and easier for their organizations to adopt and implement.
You need only look back briefly to see proof of our progress in accomplishing that mission. Just last year, we incorporated data helpers and loss tables into our enterprise software platform to help with the often-challenging task of risk data collection. We also recently introduced RiskLens Pro, a managed service that helps resource-strapped organizations stand up regular FAIR-based reporting and communication of cyber risk.
This post is sponsored by RiskLens, the technical partner to the FAIR Institute. Author James Graham is Vice President, Marketing, at RiskLens.
Today marks the next big step.
RiskLens is pleased to announce the availability of My Cyber Risk Benchmark™, a simpler, easier way for organizations to quantify cyber risk and present it in terms the business understands.
This easy-to-use tool allows users to not only quickly learn more about the risks to their organization from cyber threats, but also to see how their organization’s cyber risk compares to a benchmark of their industry’s risk. It offers details and analysis to help users understand their security posture, the impact of gaps in their security programs, and the potential costs surrounding their cyber risk. My Cyber Risk Benchmark incorporates a number of commercial and proprietary data sources to drive the analysis, including data inputs from trusted sources like Advisen and SecurityScorecard.
Here's how it works:
1. A free and easy signup process and some basic information about your organization allows you to instantly see the top three cyber risk themes in your industry and others, each described in financial terms based on Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR), the international standard for CRQ. There is no obligation required to get access to this information and analysis.
2. Upgrade for More. For a small fee and some additional input, you can unlock information and analysis on more risk themes, and access a tailored, side-by-side comparison showing how your organization compares to the industry benchmark. This benchmark comparison includes simple risk analysis to consider for cybersecurity decision making.
If you’ve tried cyber risk quantification, you know how difficult it can be to easily explain and demonstrate the value of risk expressed in financial terms. If you’re still learning about the value of CRQ to your business, it can be difficult to grasp until you see the results.
RiskLens designed My Cyber Risk Benchmark to help address these challenges and accomplish our mission to propel FAIR-based CRQ into the mainstream.
We’re excited to introduce this new way to discover and understand cyber risk, and we think you will be just as excited to explore and use it.
We’ll be talking a lot about this new capability in the coming weeks and months and giving users opportunities to give feedback and help us make it even better.
We also expect to announce new functionality in this tool that we believe will truly revolutionize CRQ and cyber risk management.