Safe Security is the leading cyber risk quantification company that acts as the Technical Advisor to the FAIR Institute. Safe Security is committed to the development and adoption of FAIRTM, as the leading quantitative risk analysis, standard Value-at-Risk model for information security and operational risk.
Safe's responsibilities and commitments to serve the mission of the Institute and to support its members include:
In return for the significant contribution of funds, time, expertise, and intellectual property to the FAIR Institute, Safe Security retains the prerogative to serve as the FAIR Institute exclusive technology advisor.
The FAIR Institute was born following the promotion of the FAIRTM quantitative risk analysis model Jack Jones, while at RiskLens, at many risk and informations security conferences, the publication of the FAIR book and the recognition of FAIRTM as an international standard. Many FAIRTM practitioners and executives at organizations that are standardizing on FAIR as their information risk methodology expressed the need for an independently governed community of FAIRTM practitioners.