What an exciting time for FAIR! In the last few months, over 250 people have been through the online and in-person FAIR analyst training course taught by the experienced FAIR consultants of RiskLens. Many of those participants desire to obtain the Open FAIR certification.
I wanted to write a short blog entry to provide some advice as they look to prepare for the exam.
1. Go to the source: Open FAIR standards
Open FAIR Taxonomy Standard (O-RT)
Open FAIR Analysis Standard (O-RA)
Download them, read through them multiple times, mark them up. These are the authoritative documents for the body of knowledge the exam is based upon.
2. Validate your knowledge gaps
A less known document Conformance Requirements document which is available to download is the Conformance Requirements.
This PDF outlines the knowledge expected of a person to be certified. While this isn’t directly the exam questions - it provides a pathway on the knowledge you should have going into the exam.
3. Prepare
Start each day with a blank sheet of paper and practice recreating the famous FAIR-on-a-page by drawing out the FAIR model, definitions, forms of loss, etc. You should have this memorized prior to taking the exam. Tip: At the test center you will be able to have blank sheets of paper and pen for notes. Before answering any questions you can draw out the model and definitions for reference during questions.
4. Sign up for the online FAIR certification training course from RiskLens
Final Note: If you haven’t already been through FAIR training from RiskLens – you should! We train hundreds of people each year in FAIR and quantitative risk. Our courses have also been formally accredited by the Open Group. Plus, the course fee includes the certification voucher. Learn more about certification training.
A Six-Step Guide to Becoming FAIR Trained
How to Prepare for the Open FAIR Exam
What Is Open FAIR and Who Is the Open Group?