Everyone’s journey into learning about and applying FAIR is different. Some fall head first into a “Love Of-FAIR” and for others, the process takes time and effort to gain the knowledge and buy-in.
Luckily, the FAIR Institute has the resources, events, and community in place to help get you and your team up to speed and FAIR-ready in no time!
Follow in the footsteps of our members, become a FAIR champion, and get ahead of the curve on where the industry is headed.
1. Join the FAIR Community
- Become a FAIR Institute member (membership is free) and get access to an ever growing set of resources
- Our online member-only LINK platform hosts Member Resources, Local Chapter Meetings information, and Workgroup Call recordings
2. Take the FAIR Training and Get Certified
- The FAIR Analysis Fundamentals training course from the Institute's Technical Advisor, RiskLens, provides the conceptual foundation and practical experience necessary to competently perform FAIR analyses
- The training course includes a certification voucher to take the exam at an approved location
3. Practice FAIR-Based Risk Analysis with the FAIR-U Training Application
- Perform single FAIR risk analyses with guided scoping, calibrated estimates, and embedded Monte Carlo simulations
4. Meet with your peers at a Local Chapter
- If you are in a region with an active chapter, these quarterly meetings are the best way to meet fellow Institute members, share best practices and learn from expert speakers
5. Attend the annual FAIR Conference
- Meet us at the capstone risk management conference of the year that is the best place to start or strengthen your FAIR knowledge
- With over 400 attendees, 15 sessions, and countless insights, you will not want to miss the best opportunity to learn how to enhance your risk management program
Your peers are already mingling at the FAIR Institute (over 5,600 of them), the market is here (30% of Fortune 1000 companies are represented at the Institute), and many FAIR champions are sharing their stories (“Meet a Member” blog series). So, don’t delay anymore and join the risk quantification revolution!
Want to convince your colleagues? Check out some of our members from last year’s FAIRCON and other FAIR Institute events to hear what they have to say about FAIR and their Institute membership:
- FAIRCON18 Interview with Jake Hoban - Visa
- FAIRCON18 Interview with Steve Cramer – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- FAIRCON18 Interview with Jayme Toolsie - Raytheon
- Chris Porter, Fannie Mae, FAIR Institute Breakfast during RSAC19
- Expert Panel at the FAIR Institute Breakfast during RSAC19
- Expert Q&A Session at the FAIR Breakfast Meeting at National Harbor 2019