Meet a Member: John Linford, Security Forum Director, The Open Group, on What's Ahead for the Open FAIR Standard

John Linford - The Open Group Security Forum Director - Meet a FAIR Institute MemberJohn Linford is Director for the Security Forum and the Open Trusted Technology Forum, at The Open Group, the organization that maintains FAIR™ as an open standard and body of knowledge, and sanctions FAIR training.  That puts him at the center of the growing FAIR movement– over 1,000 have trained on FAIR.

In this short video conversation, John and I covered

  • Plans of the Security Forum to advance FAIR including, The Risk Example Guide Project, with an emphasis on analysis use cases of value to businesses.  (For more, watch a video presentation John gave at the 2020 FAIR Conference on updates to the Open FAIR standard - FAIR membership required to view. Join now. )
  • Techniques for communicating risk to business leaders who prefer analysis results in qualitative terms
  • Where the FAIR approach crosses lines with economic analysis – John was an econ major, who trained in FAIR at San Jose State University with Mike Jerbic, a pioneer in FAIR education at the university level. 

“The biggest value in quantification is consistency,” John said.  “If you can put things in dollars and cents, in units of time or whatever currency you are using, you’re able to talk about them consistently…You can also back-test, so if you do learn something new, you’ve got the formula that you used to quantify risk and you can plug in new values and see what changed from before.”

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